Create a bedroom media wall in your home

Why not build a bedroom media wall to create the ultimate cosy bedtime?

Bedroom Media Wall with Ezee Glow Celestial Built-In Electric Fire

While most media walls are built to create fireplaces in the living room, you might be part of the increasing number of people who want to create a bedroom media wall in their home.

Doing so creates perfect sense. In period properties, it’s common to find a fireplace in every bedroom. If it was good enough for the Victorians, it’s good enough for us!

And if you’re the sort of person who loves to snuggle up in bed to watch your new favourite series or to enjoy a cup of coffee — perhaps even breakfast — and the news in bed at the weekend, a bedroom media wall is the perfect way to create a cosy sanctuary for rest and relaxation.

Let’s explore how to achieve that.

In this article

What is a bedroom media wall?

A bedroom media wall is a design feature that creates a focal point in a bedroom. Typically — although not always — it will take the form of a false chimney breast. It may take up part of a wall or become a full-width design incorporating shelving, cupboards, drawers or alcoves.

The two common factors is that almost all bedroom media walls include a TV and a built-in electric fire. The media wall may also house other appliances and audio-visual equipment.

How do you build a bedroom media wall?

It’s very simple to build a bedroom media wall. The structure is almost identical to building a stud wall, which means it’s a straightforward job for any competent DIY-er.

If you want somebody else to build a bedroom media wall for you, it’s something that could be handled very easily by any joiner or builder you trust. You’ll also find companies — usually run by builders or joiners — that specialise in building media walls.

There are a variety of different materials for media walls depending on the structure and finish you want. You might also like to download this guide to building a media wall for more ideas and a step-by-step instructions on building the wall.

How much does a bedroom media wall cost?

The cost of a bedroom media wall will vary dramatically depending on the size of the wall, your choice of materials and appliances, and whether you’re building the wall yourself. Our guide on how much it costs to build a media wall can also be used to help you estimate how much it will cost to build a bedroom media wall.

Bedroom media wall tips and tricks

Bedroom media wall ideas

There are some considerations that are unique to bedroom media walls. Here are some things to think about when planning your media wall.

  • Lie in your bed. That’s where you’re mostly going to be enjoying your media wall, so that’s the angle to think about how it will fit with the rest of your room.
  • Consider a taller base. Some bedroom media walls — like the one pictured above — are fitted with a taller base than a standard living room media wall. This is related to the previous point. With the electric fire raised further off the ground, you can enjoy the cosy atmosphere even if you’re sitting or lying in bed.
  • Check for flame-only settings. If you choose a media wall fire with a flame-only setting, you can create a snug and cosy atmosphere in your bedroom even if it’s too warm for the heater to be switched on.
  • Think about storage. While cosiness and comfort are usually the key attractions of a bedroom media wall, it’s worth thinking about storage too. Bedroom storage can be tricky so while you’re going to the trouble of creating a piece of bespoke bedroom furniture, consider whether you could also turn it into a clever storage solution. That might mean wardrobe space at the side, drawers in the base or adjacent shelving space.
  • How do you use your bedroom? No, we’re not wishing to pry! But think about the bedroom’s other users. Whether it’s music, gaming, reading, children’s toys or anything else, your bedroom media wall could be designed to house or store the things you use in the room.


Can you build a media wall in any bedroom?

Yes, any bedroom is suitable for a media wall. Since nothing is burnt to generate the heat from an electric fire, there are no issues around smoke or gases being released.

And since the wall is effectively a stud wall, there is no need for planning permission or building control.

The only notable exception is if you live in a rental property, in which case you might need permission from your landlord.

How can I find someone to build a media wall in my bedroom?

It’s a very simple job for any decent joiner or builder so we’d suggest going through the same process you would for any other building work. Ask for recommendations, read reviews, use people who have done a good job previously and get two or three tradespeople to give you a quote for the job.

What size fire do I need for a bedroom media wall?

That will depend on the size of the room and the width of the media wall. You might want to set a three-sided electric fire that runs the full width of the wall. You might want a fire that’s wider than your TV or a TV that’s wider than your fire. Take a look at the options.

Find your bedroom media wall fire

The fire is one of the most eye-catching and key features of a media wall. For that reason, your choice of fire can have a big impact on the look and cost of a bedroom media wall. Built-in electric fires for media walls come in a variety of shapes and size:

It’s just about finding the right electric fire for the size of your room, the style of bedroom media wall you’re building. You’ll find a wide range of options on our website.

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